There is a massive process in applying for grants and I was very naive about it all before I dived in. When I initially looked at the requirements needed I had no idea where to start. I reached out for help to write the initial grant and that really helped me focus on a plan for Clara Crocodile.
Although that application was unsuccessful Arts NT gave me great feedback about the application and encouraged me to reapply in the future. I took that initial application and stripped it right back, I asked for advice from different people about my project, and about my application. The feedback I received was vital in helping me revise the scale and direction of the project, which in turn produced a comprehensive and focused grant application,
The grant application process really clarified what was needed to complete my project; budgets, deadlines, accountability, contracts, musician involvement and so on. It introduced aspects of the project that I had not thought about and forced me to look at the project as a whole, not just the creative bits.
#claracrocodile #sallyjbalfour #grantwriting #failure #success # kidsmusic #ntmusic