I have been watching Play School since I was a little kid and I have been a fan of it since that time. I remember trying to convince mum and dad I was sick so I could stay home and watch Play School - that’s how much I loved it. As a kid I loved the songs they sang, the stories they told and the ideas they sparked in me - create a town out of shoe boxes! Paint with your toothbrush! Dance your sillies out!
Years ago I worked at Imparja Television and somehow convinced my boss I was of more use to her working for Yamba’s Playtime rather than in the commercial production team. Yamba’s Playtime was my first introduction to working in kids entertainment. I was fortunate to be at the right place at the right time - Yamba was getting a make over!
Yamba was re-made into an anatomically correct puppet, with a voice, a best friend and an eagerness to learn, Our team was very small, which meant I was involved in every aspect of the production; script writing, art direction, music production, acting, editing, animation, and even producing my own segment within the show.
Working on Yamba’s Playtime was one of the best jobs I have ever had. I strongly believe it was this experience that gave me the confidence to start creating Clara Crocodile.
Yamba the Honey Ant with sister Cecilina
Yamba's Playtime image published by permission of Imparja Television